Friday 7 November 2008

Never ending story

Life is not without laundry. With 3 kids and a DH I definately pay my dues at the washer/dryer! I like using the washer/dryer but I hate folding and putting away the clothes, but who really enjoys that part.

I would love get DD to fold the laundry for me, but I am really fussy on how it is folded. I like it just so. I usually put the clothes in the dryer for a quick reheat to get out the wrinkles, fold then pile up on the counter until I need them. They rarely make it to my closet. DH clothes usually get put away because in the morning when he can't find clothes and I say look on the dryer, he turns in to a bear. So I just avoid that by putting his clothes away.

PLUS, he never opens the laundry closet so he rarely knows how far behind I really am on the laundry!!!! MMAAUUWWW

My mom is the exact same way, I grew up looking for my clean clothes in the laundry room! Thanks mom for this wonderful habit!

Another reason I am so behind is I have been using the boys' naptime as my personal scrap time!!! so much in fact that I need some new binder albums. I have a renewed love for my scrapbooking (I get obsessive about things) because of my new kickbutt scrapping area.

I inherited a 9 foot beautiful solid wood table from friends when they moved. DH was happy for me and the day he told me about it you could tell he was counting the extra points I was awarding him for allowing me to extend my scrapbooking area in our house. My SB area/table is really messy right now but I will show everyone next post.


At 18 November 2008 at 04:38 , Blogger LLW said...

Yay, can't wait to see it! That's what I need.....would get me motivated i'm sure!

Laundry is my job too, and just with two of us I'm always behind - and I don't put A's laundry away! haha


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